I am a researcher interested in complex systems and complex networks. I am interested in interdisciplinary approaches and the development of new mathematical tools to answer social, biological and economic questions. My main research interests are the study of social media and their impact on society and the development of new methods to study networks and their dynamics.

I am an Assistant Professor in Quantitative Network Science at the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning in the Faculty of Science of the University of Zurich and a member of the Digital Society Initiative.

You can find a list of my publications on Google Scholar and more information about me here.

Recent posts

Online talks

I will have the pleasure to give a series of invited talks in the next months at the Oxford-Warwick-Edinburgh Network Science Workshop (2021/2/15), the North...

Talks at NetSci2020

I will have the pleasure to give two talks at the Network Science conference NetSci2020 which will be online this year.

ERCIM News on Anomaly Detection

Our work, with Leonardo Gutiérrez-Gómez and Jean-Charles Delvenne, on anomaly detection in networks was featured in the ERCIM News journal special issue on S...

FNRS Chargé de recherche

I am very happy to announce that I was awarded a FNRS (Belgian Science Foundation) Chargé de recherche fellowship with UCLouvain as a host institute.

Election to the Swiss Young Academy

I am extremely happy to have been elected to the Swiss Young Academy as one of the first 29 members. I am looking forward to working with other members in in...