I am a researcher interested in complex systems and in their modelling using complex networks. I am interested in interdisciplinary approaches and the development of new mathematical tools to answer social, biological and economic questions.
In particular, I am interested by the following topics:
- Social media and their impact on society: disinformation, social dynamics, media, democracy.
- Network science: dynamic community detection, dynamics-based methods for temporal networks.
I am an Assistant Professor of Quantitative Network Science at the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning and a member of the Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich.
Before that, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Mathematics of Social Systems and Applications to Public Policy at the Mathematical Institute at Oxford University, in the Mathematical Data Science group with Prof. Peter Grindrod. I also held the position of SNSF Advanced Postdoctoral Fellow at the Mathematical Engineering department (INMA, ICTEAM) of the Université Catholique de Louvain with Prof. Jean-Charles Delvenne and at the Namur Center for Complex Systems/Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford with Prof. Renaud Lambiotte working on temporal networks. I was also a SNSF Early Postdoctoral Fellow at the Levich Institute of the City College of New York, USA, with Prof. Hernan Makse, working on the diffusion of information and opinion dynamics in social networks. I also investigated the spread of diseases in a contact network of a population of wild mice as well as its social and behavioral organization in collaboration with Prof. Barbara Koenig at the Theoretical Biology lab of Prof. Sebastian Bonhoeffer at the ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland.
I received my PhD in physics from EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, where I was working on the transport of particles in turbulent plasmas with Prof. Ambrogio Fasoli and Prof. Ivo Furno as supervisors.
You can find a list of my publications on Google Scholar and my CV here.